Friday, June 28, 2024


 I got the chance of photographing this very rare resident in Deraniyagala in the 1st and the 2nd week of April though I had to make 2 trips in order to get some closeups.

Endemic Serendib scops owl - Makandawa forest reserve. From Pothupitiya off Deraniyagala , we went to kithulgala and to Makandawa as we had time .

Rufous woodpecker-  This place is almost guaranteed to see this quite rare resident

Sri Lanka Swallow
Sri Lanka jungle fowl
a chick

Alexandrine parakeet
Yellow bulbul
Sri Lanka hanging parrot

This was the only shot I could get in my first attempt as though there was a family of 5, most of the time they occupied the high tension wires to perch for a long time. This time did not come down

We managed to see this nesting of the chestnut backed owlet a little further away 

This is the 3rd fledgling and had come on to the branch a few minutes before we arrived

2nd time lucky and we got some good close up shots.

dark fronted babbler

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