Saturday, June 1, 2024


 I went with my family and a group of 10 organised by Paradise trails to Tadoba Andhari tiger reserve in the Maharashta province in India in the  4th week of May 2024. We selected the tour dates to be in May as its supposed to be the hottest month before the monsoon rains arrive and generally sightings are good due to the dry nature.

It proved to be right as though the afternoons temperatures rose to around  high 40's and we needed to cover almost the full body as it was scorching hot, the sightings were awesome . To top it off, the other group members gelled and bonded very well to make it an unforgettable tour.

Red collard dove

One of the 5 gates we entered from -Srikada

Indian thicknee

Rufous tailed lark

Brhamin starlings

Orange headed thrush

Tiger pug marks- The trackers rely heavily on these to track their presence.

Bay backed shrike

Mottled wood owl

Gaur; The largest of the wild cattle in the world
Wild boar 

Jinna bai the tigress .One of the 7 tigers we saw.


Spotted deer

Though the terrains were somewhat different in some areas, many places had bamboo trees all dried up.
male grey bellied cuckoo shrike
Yellow throated sparrow

Rufous treepie

Asian openbill

Asian green -bee eater

Black drongo

Indian paradise flycatcher

Indian sloth bear

Taking a nap inside a hume pipe
Bees drinking from a water hole

Peninsular Rock agma

spot billed duck

Tawny coster
Chuti rani the tigress taking a dip 

Chuti rani with its 18 month old male cub
The cub

Weerappan the oldest tiger in the park and Chuti rani's partner
White eyed buzzard

Indian roller
Red naped ibis

The tiger Empire -where we stayed

Another set of cubs paying with each other

Indian pitta
Black kite in the citi of Bangalore

Chuti rani , X smart and rani's son . Apparently X smart had been adopted by Chuti rani it seems.

X smart and Rani's cub

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